Day 1 - Take home exercise


Data covid_cases.rds under R-cafe/day1/data/covid_cases.rds is used for this exercise.

Data dictionary
Column Description
date date of the case report
211 columns with the format cases_{country_code} number of reported cases of each country and archipelago

Country codes of interest (i.e. Codes for countries needed for the exercise)

Code Country name
chn China
usa United States of America
vnm Vietnam
sgp Singapore


Before working on this exercise, you should have completed the following checklist


On Github Desktop

  • Cloned R-cafe repository

  • Created your own branch on the repository

  • Checkout your own branch

On RStudio

  • Make an R project from cloned R-cafe directory

  • Have renv setup

Answer script

You are expected to save your answer under R-cafe/day1/takehome.R


Task 1: Data import

Read data from R-cafe/day1/data/covid_cases.rds

Task 2: Simple computations using dataset

Compute the following

  • The earliest and latest date of data report in the dataset and assign them to 2 variables first_report_date, last_report_date

  • Create new column case_global for covid_cases, which represents the total cases across every country per report day.

  • Create new column percent_chn in covid_cases, which represents the percentage of global cases that China’s cases account for per report day.

Use function rowSums() to compute sum of case columns row wise


example_table <- data.frame(
  a = c(1:3), b = c(4:6)
# show example_table
# see output of rowSums
[1] 5 7 9

To create/update a column, use the syntax data[["colname"]] <- values_for_col where length of values_for_col must be equal to number of rows


example_table <- data.frame(
  a = c(1:3), b = c(4:6)

# create new column new_col
example_table[["new_col"]] <- c(7,9,11)

Task 3: Create a function

Complete the following:

  • Create a function compute_percent that

    • takes the dataset and the country code (i.e. the 3 characters after cases_ in column name) as input.

    • return the percentage of the global cases that the given country’s cases account for per report day.

  • Use that function to create 3 new columns for covid_cases: percent_vnm, percent_usa, percent_sgp

  • Print the final covid_cases selecting only the following columns date, percent_chn, percent_vnm, percent_usa, percent_sgp

Use function paste() to join multiple strings together


# joining 2 strings
paste("cases_", "chn", sep = "")
[1] "cases_chn"
# joining 3 strings
paste("hello", "world,", "welcome to R-cafe", sep = " ")
[1] "hello world, welcome to R-cafe"

Task 3.5 (Optional) Create a function from given code

Create a function that returns the plot for number of cases reported for a country over time, where users can

  • Select the case column being plotted

  • Change the country name displayed on the plot’s title

  • Change the color of the bar chart and line chart

  • Set the min and max date (x-axis limit) for the plot

Given that the code to plot case reports for China is as followed

# Uncomment and run the following if you have not installed tidyverse or ggplot2
# install.packages("tidyverse")
plot_col <- "cases_chn"
country <- "China"

ggplot() +
  geom_col( # layer for bar chart
    aes( # define columns for x, y axis
      x = covid_cases$date, # this is equivalent to covid_cases[["date"]]
      y = covid_cases[[plot_col]] 
    fill = "cornflowerblue" # choose color for bar chart
  ) +
  geom_line( # layer for line chart
    aes( # define columns for x, y axis
      x = covid_cases$date, 
      y = covid_cases[[plot_col]] 
    color = "red" # choose color for line chart
  ) +
    y = "Cases",
    x = "Date",
    title = paste0("Reported Covid cases for ", country) # define title for the plot

Task 4: Generate data summary

Complete the following:

  • Use the function skim() from package skimr to generate summary for the following countries: China, Vietnam, USA, Singapore

  • Describe notable observations from each country from the result of skim()

Task 5: Peer review

Complete the following:

  • Push your solution to Github with the commit message "day 1 take home solution your_name"

  • Create an issue commenting on at least 1 other participant’s solution