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Aggregate data

Use function transform_data() to convert line listing data (data with t, seropositive columns) to aggregated data (data with t, pos, tot columns)


  • t the time vector

  • spos the seropositive vector (TRUE/FALSE or 1/0)

linelisting_data <- hcv_be_2006
aggregated_data <- transform_data(linelisting_data$dur, linelisting_data$seropositive)
#> # A tibble: 116 × 3
#>        t   pos   tot
#>    <dbl> <int> <int>
#>  1   0.1     0     1
#>  2   0.3     0     1
#>  3   0.4     0     3
#>  4   0.5     0     1
#>  5   0.7     2     5
#>  6   0.8     3     4
#>  7   0.9     3     4
#>  8   1       5     7
#>  9   1.1     1     2
#> 10   1.2     3     4
#> # ℹ 106 more rows