## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.3.1
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
data <- parvob19_fi_1997_1998[order(parvob19_fi_1997_1998$age), ] %>%
rename(status = seropositive)
aggregated <- transform_data(data$age, data$status, heterogeneity_col = "age")
# fit with linelisting data
model1 <- polynomial_model(data, type = "Muench")
# fit with aggregated data
model2 <- polynomial_model(aggregated, type = "Muench")
# fit with aggregated data
model3 <- polynomial_model(aggregated, type = "Griffith")
# fit with gam
model4 <- penalized_spline_model(aggregated)
Generate models comparison data.frame
Function compare_models()
is used for quickly computing
AIC and BIC values for given model(s).
The function can take an arbitrary number of models and all models
must be created from serosv
’s set of *_model()
functions. It will then return a data.frame
of 4
model identifier. Either user defined name or index based on the order provided.type
type of model (aserosv
model class)AIC
AIC value for the fitted model (if applicable)BIC
AIC value for the fitted model (if applicable)
Sample usage
Compare 4 models defined above
# provide models with name
compare_models(muench_linelist = model1, muench_aggregated = model2, griffith = model3, penalized_spline = model4)
## model type AIC BIC
## 1 muench_linelist polynomial_model 1368.9096 1373.9280
## 2 muench_aggregated polynomial_model 505.5269 508.8787
## 3 griffith polynomial_model 489.1185 495.8223
## 4 penalized_spline penalized_spline_model 256.7061 271.3522
# provide models without name
compare_models(model1, model2, model3, model4)
## model type AIC BIC
## 1 1 polynomial_model 1368.9096 1373.9280
## 2 2 polynomial_model 505.5269 508.8787
## 3 3 polynomial_model 489.1185 495.8223
## 4 4 penalized_spline_model 256.7061 271.3522
# user can provide arbitrary number of models
compare_models(model3, model4)
## model type AIC BIC
## 1 1 polynomial_model 489.1185 495.8223
## 2 2 penalized_spline_model 256.7061 271.3522