Compare models
- ...
models to be compared. Must be models created by serosv. If models' names are not provided, indices will be used instead for the `model` column in the returned data.frame.
a data.frame of 4 columns
- model
name or index of the model
- type
model type of the given model (a serosv model name)
AIC value for the model (lower value indicates better fit)
BIC value for the model (lower value indicates better fit)
data <- rubella_uk_1986_1987
correct_prevalence(data$age, pos = data$pos, tot = data$tot)
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'prevalence_correction' NOW (CHAIN 1).
#> Chain 1:
#> Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 0.000195 seconds
#> Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 1.95 seconds.
#> Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 1:
#> Chain 1:
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1 / 2000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 200 / 2000 [ 10%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 400 / 2000 [ 20%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 600 / 2000 [ 30%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 800 / 2000 [ 40%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%] (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%] (Sampling)
#> Chain 1:
#> Chain 1: Elapsed Time: 1.789 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 1: 1.357 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: 3.146 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 1:
#> $info
#> mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#> est_se 9.581929e-01 0.0001609135 0.005230293 9.479660e-01 9.547228e-01
#> est_sp 8.069757e-01 0.0002828964 0.011044871 7.854039e-01 7.996085e-01
#> theta[1] 1.706464e-02 0.0003758854 0.014989311 3.690544e-04 5.921739e-03
#> theta[2] 4.384368e-02 0.0009200557 0.031159439 2.121645e-03 2.001407e-02
#> theta[3] 3.850694e-02 0.0008826740 0.029991391 1.972698e-03 1.513077e-02
#> theta[4] 1.431935e-01 0.0012414607 0.045817055 5.786349e-02 1.125689e-01
#> theta[5] 3.165637e-01 0.0012872042 0.045617903 2.288035e-01 2.846881e-01
#> theta[6] 4.444701e-01 0.0009451693 0.045250540 3.599190e-01 4.125157e-01
#> theta[7] 4.626891e-01 0.0013201546 0.048348387 3.614287e-01 4.320284e-01
#> theta[8] 6.106122e-01 0.0011822001 0.050639289 5.022235e-01 5.767448e-01
#> theta[9] 7.175997e-01 0.0011008843 0.044719614 6.230635e-01 6.873996e-01
#> theta[10] 6.419766e-01 0.0012393796 0.048736983 5.461536e-01 6.081532e-01
#> theta[11] 7.220485e-01 0.0012029224 0.047430010 6.271027e-01 6.869883e-01
#> theta[12] 8.227953e-01 0.0009076172 0.036852851 7.482824e-01 7.975976e-01
#> theta[13] 7.627398e-01 0.0010626785 0.041669972 6.753443e-01 7.362022e-01
#> theta[14] 8.587556e-01 0.0007333958 0.037123956 7.792670e-01 8.357116e-01
#> theta[15] 7.731065e-01 0.0016930107 0.063281557 6.296218e-01 7.332235e-01
#> theta[16] 8.355733e-01 0.0014522080 0.061611408 7.059238e-01 7.936201e-01
#> theta[17] 9.129714e-01 0.0011670213 0.043390142 8.209613e-01 8.833520e-01
#> theta[18] 8.774053e-01 0.0012095021 0.049055119 7.736844e-01 8.467484e-01
#> theta[19] 8.809649e-01 0.0010927956 0.039403502 7.980845e-01 8.579858e-01
#> theta[20] 8.529601e-01 0.0016385553 0.057174064 7.312159e-01 8.165787e-01
#> theta[21] 9.138139e-01 0.0012630170 0.041859407 8.244294e-01 8.863258e-01
#> theta[22] 8.259165e-01 0.0011436089 0.045601968 7.285091e-01 7.944683e-01
#> theta[23] 9.467582e-01 0.0009523828 0.032369969 8.707946e-01 9.287364e-01
#> theta[24] 9.445504e-01 0.0011926430 0.037324845 8.608275e-01 9.213222e-01
#> theta[25] 9.711767e-01 0.0006479416 0.023911199 9.087006e-01 9.593204e-01
#> theta[26] 9.389326e-01 0.0010738197 0.035526856 8.598293e-01 9.175298e-01
#> theta[27] 9.225048e-01 0.0011609875 0.037619498 8.388538e-01 8.993849e-01
#> theta[28] 9.572464e-01 0.0007611328 0.031613624 8.734294e-01 9.417387e-01
#> theta[29] 9.094723e-01 0.0012455871 0.045441053 8.093298e-01 8.818336e-01
#> theta[30] 9.172450e-01 0.0015495416 0.049401780 8.019122e-01 8.886713e-01
#> theta[31] 8.592529e-01 0.0015215384 0.059760216 7.247602e-01 8.216484e-01
#> theta[32] 9.402675e-01 0.0012045051 0.047141758 8.193893e-01 9.149402e-01
#> theta[33] 9.380364e-01 0.0012494314 0.049443567 8.147240e-01 9.118179e-01
#> theta[34] 9.459028e-01 0.0012373057 0.043407912 8.408670e-01 9.244129e-01
#> theta[35] 8.926621e-01 0.0014595882 0.069482239 7.300403e-01 8.516782e-01
#> theta[36] 9.566368e-01 0.0009100621 0.037218304 8.524151e-01 9.398737e-01
#> theta[37] 9.402055e-01 0.0012889185 0.049025151 8.190774e-01 9.158457e-01
#> theta[38] 8.972827e-01 0.0016245163 0.061436648 7.584656e-01 8.581675e-01
#> theta[39] 9.211567e-01 0.0016407994 0.058707430 7.744334e-01 8.893928e-01
#> theta[40] 9.356209e-01 0.0014752568 0.054909867 7.951714e-01 9.050129e-01
#> theta[41] 9.533126e-01 0.0010332280 0.045038095 8.376966e-01 9.334340e-01
#> theta[42] 9.198561e-01 0.0017652536 0.060365376 7.740165e-01 8.866775e-01
#> theta[43] 9.078516e-01 0.0017433479 0.067439029 7.451051e-01 8.692745e-01
#> theta[44] 9.380297e-01 0.0015528750 0.063675966 7.669778e-01 9.133157e-01
#> lp__ -2.762598e+03 0.2749034942 5.360660152 -2.774227e+03 -2.766007e+03
#> 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> est_se 9.584447e-01 9.619761e-01 9.678106e-01 1056.4936 0.9991695
#> est_sp 8.071410e-01 8.149658e-01 8.271894e-01 1524.2856 0.9991034
#> theta[1] 1.352593e-02 2.376979e-02 5.650053e-02 1590.2027 0.9991373
#> theta[2] 3.755705e-02 6.215776e-02 1.134722e-01 1146.9674 0.9996657
#> theta[3] 3.145086e-02 5.565008e-02 1.094077e-01 1154.4965 0.9992727
#> theta[4] 1.417909e-01 1.728511e-01 2.383082e-01 1362.0354 0.9993613
#> theta[5] 3.164776e-01 3.466235e-01 4.045569e-01 1255.9597 1.0003572
#> theta[6] 4.445659e-01 4.749955e-01 5.303761e-01 2292.0723 1.0010897
#> theta[7] 4.620885e-01 4.952945e-01 5.543290e-01 1341.2644 0.9997882
#> theta[8] 6.118090e-01 6.456523e-01 7.084200e-01 1834.8188 0.9993449
#> theta[9] 7.198536e-01 7.483989e-01 7.985096e-01 1650.1096 0.9995444
#> theta[10] 6.432274e-01 6.749764e-01 7.378660e-01 1546.3529 0.9990159
#> theta[11] 7.255408e-01 7.561061e-01 8.119058e-01 1554.6448 0.9990106
#> theta[12] 8.249793e-01 8.473920e-01 8.917033e-01 1648.6814 0.9990383
#> theta[13] 7.645160e-01 7.923548e-01 8.382969e-01 1537.5972 1.0000083
#> theta[14] 8.590567e-01 8.849603e-01 9.248671e-01 2562.3100 0.9999734
#> theta[15] 7.756140e-01 8.165988e-01 8.883877e-01 1397.1238 0.9999912
#> theta[16] 8.413271e-01 8.815836e-01 9.387800e-01 1799.9673 0.9990116
#> theta[17] 9.171108e-01 9.465813e-01 9.850605e-01 1382.3708 1.0025188
#> theta[18] 8.811083e-01 9.135804e-01 9.610183e-01 1644.9601 0.9997443
#> theta[19] 8.837311e-01 9.088757e-01 9.482833e-01 1300.1449 0.9995279
#> theta[20] 8.556595e-01 8.959927e-01 9.531399e-01 1217.5194 1.0001435
#> theta[21] 9.187279e-01 9.435835e-01 9.833824e-01 1098.4182 0.9993065
#> theta[22] 8.277229e-01 8.569425e-01 9.096893e-01 1590.0549 0.9990819
#> theta[23] 9.507876e-01 9.707137e-01 9.942870e-01 1155.2115 1.0018554
#> theta[24] 9.493524e-01 9.729901e-01 9.976023e-01 979.4339 0.9990053
#> theta[25] 9.769145e-01 9.884179e-01 9.991942e-01 1361.8555 1.0003647
#> theta[26] 9.432770e-01 9.652616e-01 9.929998e-01 1094.5883 0.9994120
#> theta[27] 9.254389e-01 9.486743e-01 9.859532e-01 1049.9555 0.9990119
#> theta[28] 9.627506e-01 9.808278e-01 9.982050e-01 1725.1534 1.0001250
#> theta[29] 9.124451e-01 9.432541e-01 9.840203e-01 1330.9098 0.9990845
#> theta[30] 9.235671e-01 9.524745e-01 9.913246e-01 1016.4329 0.9990045
#> theta[31] 8.668765e-01 9.022011e-01 9.551086e-01 1542.6183 0.9991644
#> theta[32] 9.497947e-01 9.767184e-01 9.970982e-01 1531.7726 1.0000293
#> theta[33] 9.500388e-01 9.752579e-01 9.980635e-01 1566.0108 0.9998868
#> theta[34] 9.559917e-01 9.783305e-01 9.969428e-01 1230.7894 0.9990017
#> theta[35] 9.048680e-01 9.455510e-01 9.909934e-01 2266.1410 0.9990055
#> theta[36] 9.677596e-01 9.849612e-01 9.981735e-01 1672.5193 0.9994178
#> theta[37] 9.515684e-01 9.783618e-01 9.979456e-01 1446.7284 0.9998791
#> theta[38] 9.082948e-01 9.460790e-01 9.867077e-01 1430.2333 0.9990185
#> theta[39] 9.329785e-01 9.659220e-01 9.960304e-01 1280.1922 0.9990404
#> theta[40] 9.526373e-01 9.780353e-01 9.973468e-01 1385.3693 0.9990002
#> theta[41] 9.669428e-01 9.871043e-01 9.986769e-01 1900.0616 0.9992308
#> theta[42] 9.334860e-01 9.675611e-01 9.962890e-01 1169.3961 0.9993389
#> theta[43] 9.246035e-01 9.588806e-01 9.940502e-01 1496.4234 0.9989997
#> theta[44] 9.580634e-01 9.846834e-01 9.988281e-01 1681.4273 0.9991492
#> lp__ -2.762095e+03 -2.758919e+03 -2.753363e+03 380.2560 0.9997653
#> $corrected_se
#> age sero pos tot
#> theta[1] 1.5 0.01706464 3.515315 206
#> theta[2] 2.5 0.04384368 6.401178 146
#> theta[3] 3.5 0.03850694 6.469165 168
#> theta[4] 4.5 0.14319346 27.063563 189
#> theta[5] 5.5 0.31656368 69.327445 219
#> theta[6] 6.5 0.44447008 86.671666 195
#> theta[7] 7.5 0.46268911 75.881014 164
#> theta[8] 8.5 0.61061222 88.538772 145
#> theta[9] 9.5 0.71759969 129.167944 180
#> theta[10] 10.5 0.64197659 102.716254 160
#> theta[11] 11.5 0.72204847 106.863174 148
#> theta[12] 12.5 0.82279530 146.457563 178
#> theta[13] 13.5 0.76273979 135.004942 177
#> theta[14] 14.5 0.85875564 141.694681 165
#> theta[15] 15.5 0.77310653 51.798138 67
#> theta[16] 16.5 0.83557326 48.463249 58
#> theta[17] 17.5 0.91297138 73.950682 81
#> theta[18] 18.5 0.87740525 69.315015 79
#> theta[19] 19.5 0.88096489 97.787103 111
#> theta[20] 20.5 0.85296012 64.824969 76
#> theta[21] 21.5 0.91381393 74.932742 82
#> theta[22] 22.5 0.82591646 83.417563 101
#> theta[23] 23.5 0.94675817 83.314719 88
#> theta[24] 24.5 0.94455038 80.286783 85
#> theta[25] 25.5 0.97117667 91.290607 94
#> theta[26] 26.5 0.93893261 85.442867 91
#> theta[27] 27.5 0.92250475 82.102923 89
#> theta[28] 28.5 0.95724644 72.750729 76
#> theta[29] 29.5 0.90947233 71.848314 79
#> theta[30] 30.5 0.91724503 51.365722 56
#> theta[31] 31.5 0.85925291 44.681151 52
#> theta[32] 32.5 0.94026753 45.132841 48
#> theta[33] 33.5 0.93803638 34.707346 37
#> theta[34] 34.5 0.94590280 38.782015 41
#> theta[35] 35.5 0.89266213 35.706485 40
#> theta[36] 36.5 0.95663683 36.352200 38
#> theta[37] 37.5 0.94020554 36.668016 39
#> theta[38] 38.5 0.89728275 36.788593 41
#> theta[39] 39.5 0.92115665 27.634700 30
#> theta[40] 40.5 0.93562086 25.261763 27
#> theta[41] 41.5 0.95331258 23.832814 25
#> theta[42] 42.5 0.91985610 20.236834 22
#> theta[43] 43.5 0.90785161 17.249181 19
#> theta[44] 44.5 0.93802974 16.884535 18