Either `status` (treated as line-listing dataset) or `pos` & `tot` (treated as aggregated dataset) must be provided
- age
the age vector.
- k
degree of the model.
- type
name of method (Muench, Giffith, Grenfell).
- pos
the positive count vector (optional if status is provided).
- tot
the total count vector (optional if status is provided).
- status
the serostatus vector (optional if pos & tot are provided).
- link
link function.
a list of class polynomial_model with 5 items
- datatype
type of datatype used for model fitting (aggregated or linelisting)
- df
the dataframe used for fitting the model
- info
fitted "glm" object
- sp
- foi
force of infection
data <- parvob19_fi_1997_1998[order(parvob19_fi_1997_1998$age), ]
aggregated <- transform_data(data$age, data$seropositive)
# fit with aggregated data
model <- polynomial_model(aggregated$t, pos = aggregated$pos, tot = aggregated$tot, type = "Muench")
# fit with linelisting data
model <- polynomial_model(data$age, status = data$seropositive, type = "Muench")