VZV and Parvovirus B19 serological data in Belgium (line listing)
A data frame with 7 variables:
- id
ID of individual
- age
Age of individual
- gender
Gender of individual
- parvouml
Parvo B19 antibody units per ml
- parvo_res
If an individual is positive for parvovirus B19
- VZVmUIml
VZV milli international units per ml
- vzv_res
If an individual is positive for VZV
MOSSONG, J., N. HENS, V. FRIEDERICHS, I. DAVIDKIN, M. BROMAN, B. LITWINSKA, J. SIENNICKA, et al. "Parvovirus B19 Infection in Five European Countries: Seroepidemiology, Force of Infection and Maternal Risk of Infection." Epidemiology and Infection 136, no. 8 (2008): 1059-68. doi:10.1017/S0950268807009661